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Health collapse in the UK as a result of Brexit

Published: 28 de June de 2017, 00:00
  1. Spanish
Health collapse in the UK as a result of Brexit

The recent decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union has generated great controversy in British society. Especially in terms of health care that they will have in the future.

Return of 190,000 British expats to the UK
190,000 is the number of pensioners who reside in a country of the European Union and who will have to return to their country of origin as a result of Brexit. This could cost a millionaire amount to the British Health System. Specifically, we are talking about a figure close to 1,145 million euros per year, depending on the situation in which the country is left after leaving the European Union. The NHS (National Health Services) could be even more affected than it is today. As recognized by the Minister of Health. This will depend on the agreements reached by the UK with the EU. Depending on whether more or less restrictive policies are taken.

Increased health needs
Currently, it is thought that as a result of the return of British expatriates, 900 more beds could be needed in hospitals compared to last year. This would also mean increasing the number of doctors, nurses and other professionals required to provide an optimal health service. It is estimated that around 1,600 professionals would need to be hired.

Reduction of health professionals
The only problem with the UK is not that they will need more material and healthcare professionals, but rather that after having won the "No to the European Union", requests from nurses from EU countries who want go to work in the UK.
On the other hand, the number of doctors could decrease by 12,000. There is an opinion contrary to what we have said before. There are those who think that by leaving the EU, the United Kingdom will not have to pay the EU a large number of millions that can be used by the Health System to meet new needs.

UK will try to keep its health workers
The British will have to renegotiate some 759 international treaties to make their exit from the EU as favorable as possible. Establishing the policies that will determine the UK's relations with the EU countries. There are 168 countries with which it will have to reach an agreement to establish a new situation. 295 bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, 202 texts covering different areas, 69 fisheries agreements, 65 transport agreements, 49 customs agreements, 45 agreements on nuclear energy and 34 regarding agriculture will have to be dealt with.

In short, there is still a long way to go until the situation of the United Kingdom outside the European Union is clarified. Regardless of what happens in the future, we have health insurance for British expats. Call us on the phone ..., fill out our contact form or send us an email. We speak native English.

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