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COMPOSAUDE, S.L.U. Agente exclusivo Sanitas con clave en la DGS nº CO320B15970551

Expats Britons living in Spain and the Brexit

Publicado: 26 de junio de 2017, 00:00
  1. English
Expats Britons living in Spain and the Brexit

About 600,000 Britons live in Spain. The imminent exit of the UK from the European Union (Brexit) and the notification sent by the British Prime Minister to the European Council can produce important changes in the rights of using the National Health system, which British expats are enjoying nowadays. This uncertain situation is pushing many of these expats to buy Private Health Insurance in Spain.

The time it will take to leave the European Union is not yet clear. It is stipulated that it will be in about two years. The British may lose the right of having free health care in Spain. The UK could establish particular agreements with the different countries but at this moment the kind of decisions to be made are still unknown.

Nowadays, healthcare for British people in Spain is very important. It’s the country that carries out the greatest number of medical services in the European Union .Currently a British person has the same rights as a Spaniard to access healthcare. The only difference is that when a British Citizen comes to a doctor in Spain, the invoice issued is passed on to the United Kingdom. When the UK won’t belong to the EU, expats and those on holiday will have to pay for healthcare in Spain. The British public service will not pay for these costs.

Brexit will also affect Spanish people who want to work and live in the UK. The number of requests from health care professionals who want to work in the UK have decreased a 90% in the last months.

The pharmaceutical industry will see its exports reduced to a large extent too.

Some of the consequences of Brexit can also be: The increase of the cost of living in Spain for all expats, the NHS could collapse by the number of British people who will be forced to go back to the UK in case of any health issue and many professionals that are considering the idea of going back to their country because of Brexit.

According to a survey conducted by the General Council of Medicine, the 55% of the European doctors working in the UK will leave.

For now, we don’t know exactly what is going to happen after Brexit and if things are going to be so restrictive as they look like nowadays.

Private Health Insurance can be a good option for what can happen in a future, so if you need advice, you have any questions or doubts, do not hesitate in contacting us. We will be happy to help!

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